Ubiquiti *.supp file decryption key found, method to inspect support and configuration packages
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Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller is a powerful network management platform that provides comprehensive control over UniFi networking devices. I recently moved my Dockerised UniFi image from being on-prem to being in the cloud to simplify my home network and reduce the number of network equipment here.
Whilst doing this, however, I came across some issues that meant that my on-prem config backup was unable to be read by my controller in the cloud. To begin trying to troubleshoot why this unknown error was being echoed into the container logs, I contacted Ubiquiti to try see if they had any ideas. They naturally requested a copy of my cloud instance's network support package. Being concious of possible compromise of security keys, RADIUS credentials, and other private secrets to an unknown entity via un-encrypted email I wanted to know what was in the support package before I sent it off.
After grabbing the network_support_dd-mm-yyyy.supp file from my controller, I inspected the file for any magic numbers to try ascertain what file format the file was in and to try easily identify if it was a simple zip container.
The first 20 bytes did not match any known file signature which suggests the file is a propietry file format known only by Ubiquiti or that the file is encrypted. A good method of determining the probability of a file being encrypted is by calculating the file's Shannon Entropy, i.e randomness of data:
After seeing that the file entropy was high, I started to dig about the internet for possible exploits in Ubiquiti's software, when I came across the following Ubiquiti MetaSploit Framework package.
As we have discovered the key, encryption cipher, and initialisation vector for the encrypted package -- we can start to decypt and inspect the file's contents further.
Using OpenSSL, we can decrypt the file using the following structured command:
This will leave us with a network_support_dd-mm-yyyy.supp.out file in the current working directory. Then, again analysing the file for clues on it's format, we can identify the resultant file signature is that of a standard ZIP file:
When trying to view the contents of the zip, it seems as though the extracted zip is corrupt as multiple exports reared the same issue:
As seen above, an issue with the compression occurs on UniFI controllers which makes the end of the archive corrupt. This however, does not lead to any noticeable loss of data from the archive. I managed to extract the data successfully with 7Zip without error and results in the following directory tree:
To confirm these files are readable, I exported them to a folder and thankfully, plaintext data is shown and readable: